Before the Christmas break we asked Gary (part of the Sansum team) to share this experience and overview of his […]
Health & Safety at work over the past few years has escalated in many ways, mainly due to serious accidents, breaches in operating procedures, unsafe working methods and general poor management.
As many businesses evolve its vital all aspects of our Company are assessed keeping up to date with local and global trends. So to ensure we operate in a safe controlled manner we apply site specific risk assessments (RAs) and introduce safe systems of work (SSOW) to mobilise each contract.
This then allows us as a business and employer to control and manage the safe working methods of our staff at Sansum. Training our staff through induction is vital regardless if they are TUPE’d over or not, which is then recorded and developed.
Part of our induction training is explaining the usage of commercial cleaning chemicals, how to prepare, apply and close down the shift each day. The staff are also given detailed direction in the use of colour coding equipment and chemicals preventing cross contamination.
In addition regular monthly toolbox talks are given to ensure every task completed at induction is refreshed and signed off. A personal development programme is also designed for each employee so we are able to manage their progress.

Naturally all elements of Health & Safety management is ensuring the basics are right at contract commencement. All staff are issued their Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and uniform which is branded for on-site security awareness, reflecting our staff being present.
As all equipment is colour coded, this gives simple but effective direction to the cleaning team, ensuring the right equipment and chemicals are in the correct area of work. This is also a productive way of monitoring good practice at an early stage to identify any areas of improvement required.
Carrying forward these simple methods are a strong basis of ensuring our staff are working in a safe environment and looking after their colleagues, customers and the general public around their place of work.
To allow us to continue developing we have now been accredited as Assured Safe Contractor which reflects our commitment to continuous improvement. Sansum benefits from this by always being made aware of the industry changes ahead of time, creating a safe working and organised environment for our employees.
Continuous improvement comes with close management and training, if we forget the basics the rest will fall down. Simple but effective training in pictorial methods help our team development and is supported by Jangro. We believe these product user guides (as below) propel us forwards and help us to maintain our high standards.